The government of Estonia has decided to send the students from grade 5 and upwards to distance learning from the 1st of March until the end of March due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. In Tartu International School it means that in March 2021 grade 1 to 4 students will attend school physically and grade 5 to 9 will learn from home. Kindergarten remains open as usual.
Grade 1-4 schedules will not change. Grade 5-9 will have a schedule that combines video lessons and independent work. Weekly schedule has been sent to all the parents via email.
About distance learning
All distance learning days start with opening Stuudium: all links to the video lessons and independent work instructions will be there under the homework section.
The parents can help the student by:
- providing a suitable work place with internet connection, computer, camera and headphones if possible;
- helping to follow the schedule (e.g. make the schedule visible so they can follow when the lesson starts, when the break ends etc);
- ensure that the child is outside for at least 60 minutes per day;
- lowering off-studies screen time.
Who to contact?
- The first person to contact in case of problems with distance learning is the class teacher.
- Questions about school laptops: educational technologist Elo-Kai Kurel (
- Questions about the organization of studies: head of studies Maris Vohla (
- If you are not sure who would answer your question, please contact principal Kristi Aria (
The schoolhouse is open and in case someone needs to pick up a laptop, textbooks or something else from school, please send an email to the principal and the school will arrange this.