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Catering by Tartu Vocational College

Tartu International School is catered for by Tartu Vocational College. Prepared meals are brought to the school in thermal boxes, which are checked and distributed by the school’s dinner lady. Our menu is the result of cooperation between dieticians, caterers, students, parents, and teachers. All meals are freshly prepared. We do not serve semi-processed food and do not use artificial flavour enhancers, preservatives or colourings.

Cost of kindergarten meals

The cost of lunch is 2.20 EUR per child per day and the cost of an afternoon snack is 1.40 EUR. The cost of kindergarten meals is covered by the parent. Costs are calculated based on the days a child is present.


Every day, a warm lunch and a warm afternoon snack are provided by the kindergarten. We don’t offer breakfast, but children can bring a morning snack from home. A gluten-free, pork-free and vegetarian version of the regular menu is offered every day. Milk and bread are provided on a daily basis. Children are allowed to bring their own food for lunch and the afternoon snack, but it must be in agreement with the child’s teacher. There is the possibility to reheat food brought from home in the dining room.

Link to the menu

Meal times

9:00 Morning snack brought from home (voluntary);

11:15 Lunchtime for the younger group;

11:45 Lunchtime for the older group;

15:15 Afternoon snack.

Allergies and food intolerance

In case of any food intolerances or allergies, please notify the student’s class teacher. A list of allergens can be found here