- The language of instruction is English.
- The child doesn’t have to speak English in order to join our school.
- The school day home time depends on which grade a student is in.
- The timetable for a specific grade level can be obtained from the class teacher.
- We wear indoor footwear in our school.
- PE lessons can take place inside or outside; appropriate sports gear is needed.
- There are two outdoor breaks per day for everybody. Wear weather-appropriate clothes.
- Using personal digital devices on the school premises and grounds is not allowed. A Bring Your Own Device policy is followed in the lessons (teachers may give permission to use a personal digital device for learning purposes).
- We want to keep our school yard safe; therefore, parking in the yard is not allowed without the school’s permission.
- The school offers a warm school lunch.
- We wear clothes that are appropriate for the school environment.
- The parents’ first point of contact is the class teacher.
- Parents can find homework assignments and lesson content on our online study system (e-diary).