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Jan 04

Admissions for 2024/2025 are now open

We are happy to announce that Tartu International School's admission process for the academic year 2024/2025 has now started. Small groups, international atmosphere, supportive community and caring teachers wait for new students to join us from the autumn of 2024. We admit students from ages 1½ to 15. Children (local... read more →
Oct 11

Additional Admissions Open until October 27th

Dear families, who are looking for a school that promotes the joy of learning and offers an individually tailored educational journey in a happy and supportive learning environment. We have a few places available for this academic year in the following grades: Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 5 Grade 8... read more →
Sep 15

Happy New School Year!

Hello! Tere! Hei! Hallo! Hej! Привіт! Hola! Привет! Kedu! Witam! Merhaba! नमस्कार! Llabdien! Sveiki! ہیلو! Ciao! გამარჯობა! The end of the fun summer means the start of a fun, new school year! Welcome back everyone! We were thrilled to see you all and we warmly welcome all new families. As... read more →
Feb 24
Jan 13
Dec 10

Grade 4 students win 3rd place in nationwide competition Negavatt

The students of Grade 4 and 5 participated in an environmental video competition called Mini Negavatt which is run by the Environmental Investments Centre (Keskkonnainvesteeringute Keskus, KIK). Seeking children's ideas to solve environmental issues, this year's topic were "Future Cities". For the competition, students had to present a 1-minute video... read more →
Nov 17

This was our International Day 2021

Our school and kindergarten community celebrate all families' countries, cultures, languages and food each year. The most recent event was an especially important one - our student Jalmar describes why: This year's International Day was a special one because the school also celebrated its 20th birthday. There were 13 countries... read more →
Oct 29

New Student Council Elected

Last week, our school's new student council has been elected. Our student Ragnar, a current member of the council, describes how the student council works and how it is picking up the work: Each year we have a student council in our school whose task is to bring forward the... read more →
Oct 19

Tartu Class Teacher 2021

TIS Grade 3 teacher Kirsi Kriit was recognized with a special award this autumn! Kirsi is a laureate of Class Teacher of the Year 2021 in Tartu city. Kirsi is loved and higly respected by all our community - the students, parents and colleagues. Congratulations Kirsi, so well-deserved! This is... read more →
Jul 27

Start of the School Year 2021/2022

The new school year is fast approaching and we are looking forward to welcoming the community of Tartu International School and Kindergarten back in a couple of weeks!  According to the current information, the schools in Estonia will start the new academic year in face-to-face format. The kindergarten (nursery to... read more →